Thursday, June 30, 2011

Q & A

Q:  What do you do when you aren’t allowed to sleep on your stomach anymore?
A:  Get your hands on a beanbag chair.

Q:  What happens if your brother-in-law’s wedding caterer fails to show up on two separate occasions for pre-wedding planning and the wedding is 8 days away?
A:  Buy cookies from Wegmans and forget about a fancy dinner.

Q:  How was your birthday?
A:  Amazing family and food.  And an iPod touch.  (iPod touch=Angry Birds)

Q:  What do you do when you have to buy a dress in June 5 months pregnant for a different wedding in December when you will have been pregnant-free for 6 weeks?
A:  Don’t eat the cookies at the first wedding reception.

Q:  What fills the time at work when there’s nothing to do?
A:  Blogging.  (And thinking about cookies.)

Q:  Why haven’t you blogged in weeks?
A:  ...Angry Birds???  (Hey—they don’t know my birthday was only 6 days ago…)

Q:  Just exactly how bored are you right now?
A:  Exactly?  Well, if you take the inverse polynomial of 2.148 to the 14th power and divide that by the quadratic equation, you’ll spend exactly as much time figuring out the answer as I’ve had free time on my hands today.

Q:  What are you thinking about right now?
A:  The baby is currently kicking hard enough that I can feel it on the outside.  That is not boring.  (And more entertaining than Angry Birds and cookies combined.)