Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Adventures of James D Bear...Volume 4: James D Bear Takes a Trip

James D Bear lives in the nursery at 749 Washington Street.  One day his mother told him, “James D Bear, today we are going to visit Grandma’s house!”

“Do you mean Nama’s house?  I love my Nama and Papa,” said James Bear.

“No James Bear,” said Mama, “Tonight we will visit your other grandparents who live far away over the mountains and down the river.”

“Oh my!” said James Bear, “That sounds far away!  Who else lives so far away?"

“Your Uncle Daniel and Aunt Emmy and Uncle Tim and great grandparents live there,” said Mama.

“Mother, how many uncles and aunts do I have?” asked James Bear.

Neither Mother or Father or James D Bear could count that high.

James D Bear helped his father with his rehearsal and then they climbed into the car.

When Father said the trip would take six hours James D Bear was very surprised.

James D Bear fell asleep and when he woke up his grandfather was holding him.

“James D Bear, we have missed you!” he said.  “We have not seen you since you were a tiny baby, but now you are big and strong.”

James Bear was glad to snuggle with his grandma and great-grandma.

And his aunt and uncles.

He told his father, “Father, I love Grandma’s house and Grandma and Grandpa’s snuggles.  I am glad we have visited!”

Do you know how many people love you, James D Bear?

So many!