Sunday, January 21, 2018

Bedtime Stories

The Hideous Bog Monster Who Waits in Your Backyard
By James Smith

There were once two campers who loved to camp. One day they camped out. They didn’t know there was a bog monster. He had eaten all the people who camped, even their tents. The campers kept on camping. They set up their tents in the morning. In the afternoon they ate hot dogs for supper and roasted marshmallows over a fire for dessert. After that they went into their tents. They slept for a long time. They knew about that bog monster and then suddenly something went “SMACK CRUNCH SMACK CRUNCH” and woke them up. And then, they did something crazy. The tent flap zipped open and then, at the final second, the tent poles fell and the campers tied the bog monster up! And then he tried to get out and he flapped and fliggled his tentacles. But, with their strong muscles, they tied him up so tight I bet he couldn’t move. Then they carried him down to the basement and buried him with a lot of stuff. The next day they went to the store and bought a new tent. 
The End.

We Are Going To A Club Meeting Right Now
By Owen Smith

The club meeting will be upstairs in my bed. Then, at the club meeting, everyone has to be quiet. But, some of the guys makes me talk to every animal and Pete talks to Lighting McQueen. He’s the best friend I’ve ever seen. And then, something waked the animals up. They saw a big, bed monster. And it banged on the wall of the bunk bed. I tried to tie them up in a suitcase. THEN, something stopped and had some red on it. It was just Lightning.
The End.