Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Photo Drop, 3/17

First tooth gone! Literally. It fell out sometime between Saturday night and Sunday after church. James had no idea when or where, and didn't seem particularly troubled by it. The Tooth Fairy was still gracious enough to make a visit.

"Take a picture of my teef DOO!"

Checking out the Harley Davidson exhibit at the Strong Museum.

Biggest wind storm in Rochester in 75 years. Gusts up to 80 mph! We were extremely fortunate not to lose power (or shingles) but most of Rochester was without electricity for several days--up to a week. The boys are watching a parade of power trucks that were sent from New Jersey to help get the city warm again.

Sometimes he's so silently handsome I can't help but snap a picture. It never does him complete justice.

This kid is never silently handsome. But handsome nonetheless.

http://cookieandkate.com/2017/roasted-mushrooms-with-herbed-quinoa/ My newest food blog to explore and experiment with. Healthy vegetarian recipes that require minimal "special" ingredients.

OK. Maybe occasionally silently handsome. This is after he threw up all over the couch and was forced to migrate to his "very own island" on the floor lest he spew again. Poor little fella. I suspect a flax allergy.

When you need to wrap a present for a girl and you only have boys.

I'm forever screenshot-ing recipes that pop up so I won't forget to give them a go or try to pick up a missing ingredient.

Waiting for Daddy to finish looking at suit jackets in the mall. The boys were happy to make "wishes" in the fountain and I was happy that they stayed dry.

My 12 year old slippers were held together by rubber bands and had started giving me splinters. Got these bad boys and anticipate they will last into my 40s. (Which is only a testament to the quality of the footwear...) It's like wearing a fluffy warm cloud around the house.

I love my Fitbit so much. But the pink plastic band that I use hasn't retained its color, even after a bath in the dishwasher. Maybe leather will last longer? #wishlist

My 5 year old came crying into the kitchen, accusing his brother of whacking him on the hand with wooden train track pieces. Said younger brother then came tailing behind like this. In case you ever wonder why it's hard to get upset at this kid. 

1 comment:

  1. According to Charlie and Lola, if you loose a lost tooth, you dream the happiest of dreams so you'll smile wide and the fairy will see you lost a tooth :-P
