Monday, April 17, 2017

April Photo Drop

Springtime Fun with Hamways
Owen only wanted Alexa. So did James, but they didn't stand still long enough for a picture. This is at Olivia's big party.

And this is my sweet little one-year-old goddaughter on her very first birth DAY!

We stick our tongues out at each other a lot.

Blessing Owen.

Birthday cupcake! (I made it!)

She ate the whole thing.

Annual Smith-Hamway Easter Egg Hunt

Owen proved to be too good at finding eggs, much to the older kids' chagrin.

But the 5 year olds still cleaned house.
Adventures in Food and Drink
Lunch by myself at Core Life Eatery
A surprise visit to Salvatores for the best chicken pizza.

Never have to pester them about eating this meal.

Worth the extra-long walk in the stroller.
The icing tip my sister in law lent me that my garbage disposal ate for a snack. (No worries Melissa--it's been replaced! This picture was taken specifically so I could get the exact number/make!)

Probably my proudest moment in baking so far. Olivia's cupcakes.

Glucose challenge. Good news: I passed the diabetes test. Bad news: I'm anemic. But as my friend told me, "That's great! You still get to eat all the desserts and now you have every excuse to buy steak." I'm with her. 

James and Owen made an Easter Dirt Cake garden.
They did a great job! And Owen even came around to eating some once he realized that the dirt was not "veddy veddy stinky" and actually cookies.

Robin's Egg Speckled Coconut Malt cake. Mommy's contribution to the Easter table.

Easter desserts plus a random tub of hummus.
Speaking of Easter
Veddy veddy excited to see Nama, Papa, and Aunt Martha

How long do we get to stay?!?
The weather couldn't have been nicer. 

Kicking the ball down the hill...

...So that they could chase it and tumble in heaps at the bottom.

Will it fit in there?
Owen still managed to enjoy dirt of both varieties this Easter.

The hat! That face! Swoon.

Picking flowers for Mommy. And Nama. And Aunt Martha. And Aunt Melissa. And then some more for Mommy.

Toasting marshmallows.

James is getting quite good at it.

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