Sunday, May 14, 2017


This year I spent some time reflecting on my mom, and my mother in law. They are great. But I couldn’t help but expand my thankfulness to a whole slew of women who have shown me what it is to be a great mom. Some of them I know personally, some of them I’ve never met. Not all of them have children of their own. But they’ve each profoundly impacted how I view life, myself, and my children.

Mom D: For your ever-creative, boundlessly optimistic, common-sensical approaching to momming. You’ve given me more than anyone and I marvel at the sacrifices made out of pure love for us. I, quite honestly, do not understand how you managed to be at home 24-7 homeschooling and mothering us for so many years without losing your mind. You’re incredible!

Mom S: It’s perfectly acceptable to let things happen organically. To believe that your children will be fine even if you as mom aren’t involved in every second and every interaction. Trusting your children is a gift to them, and to you. I’ve learned about listening first, last, and always, and the power of love multiplied.

J---: Patience, love, and joy. Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it. We get up and try again and we CAN do hard things.

K----: Never settle. Look for the new exciting thing around each corner.

D----: My self-worth is just that—worthy. You will never fully assimilate into anybody else and that is good. Learn to love yourself and the unique contribution you bring to the world.

C----: Trust that there are women who will listen to you and love you for who you are, not for what you do. Not every gift or interaction has to be perfectly, equally reciprocated.

B---: Working moms can be GREAT moms.

A----- R: It’s OK to be an introvert and to self-care. Guilt is crippling for you and your children. You give them a far greater gift by modeling what it is to know what you need and make it a priority.

Grandma W: Play more games! Try new activities! Live a life brimming with sweetness.

Grandma D----: Work hard. Trust your instincts. Make something incredible out of nothing. 

Grandma S: Welcome with open arms those not in your immediate circle.

Grandma D-----: Don’t criticize or recoil from your heritage—embrace and value it instead.

M-----: How to hope. How to be brave. And how to re-choose that weekly, daily, hourly.

L------ O: How to grieve, how to embrace community in a healthy way during the worst of times.

J--: Keep your family close—fight for them and your times together.

Also, I ran into Wegmans first thing this morning before church to nab a couple of Mother’s Day cards and couldn’t help but laugh at the positive slew of pajama-clad men pawing frantically at flowers, cards, and pastries in the front half of the store. Many were dragging sleepy-eyed children along behind them; all had a slightly panicked look that said oh so clearly, “Crap. I forgot about this until I woke up and looked at my phone.” Happy Mother’s Day!! :D

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