Monday, May 18, 2020

Covid Captures: May

Friend came through with 2 lbs of yeast. Jackpot!
New nephew: Judah Timothy Davis

Discovered Netflix Party and have been hanging out with Cheryl most nights for some GBBO.

Fun with Zoom lessons!

Enjoying the sunshine by hiding from it.


Handsome James Bear

Owen and I finished all of the Ramona books!

Harwick's Week of Splendor

It pays to check in with your neighbors. Scored 50 lbs of whole wheat flour for $15!

Weekly Skype coffee dates with Laura, who's in Pittsburgh. 

Happy boys on the spinny chair

Formal dinner night

Always exciting to get mail from friends!

Going to need to pull out the sunblock

I need these.

Snugs during movie night

Owen's been writing a lot more recently, including these wonderful notes of encouragement.

Sourdough progress
Spilled all of his bubble wand

Roy highlighted my hair at home and did a fantastic job!

All the yeast, flour, and practice keeps James happy around these parts

Campfire night for Worship Wednesday

Masks from Nama and Aunt Martha

Roses from Wegmans. I bought these 16 days ago and they still look gorgeous.

I love this. If I ever had my own church we'd do this for sure.

Hiking is great for fresh air, exercise, and mostly the snacks

James' annual bouquet for me

Remembering RHE a year later

Sunshine isn't quite so rare in May

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