Thursday, February 18, 2021

Ash Wednesday bread


A couple of updates as they relate to this photo...

  • Bruno 2.0 is thriving. He has now baked several rounds of sourdough, and we are back to normal. EXCEPT...
  • I had an epiphany after writing the last post about warm environments. In lieu of moving south, I realized I have a beautiful, perfect, large Instant Pot with a yogurt setting. Lo and behold, my activation and rise times have been cut in half by putting my starter and, eventually, my dough, in the IP. The yogurt setting keeps it warm, temperate, and moist. (Picture a giant petri dish...) This is a win-win-win. No more risky oven settings, I'm using my Instant Pot more regularly, and, best of all, it's a FREE solution.
  • For Valentine's Day, Roy introduced me to the wonders (currently overwhelming wonders) of Photoshop and Lightroom. How fun it has been to have new tools to play with in making beautiful photos! I have a lot to learn, but it's a perfect winter project to slowly explore. 
  • This image speaks powerfully to me. Ash Wednesday was yesterday and the imagery of bread is weighty during Lent. The sign of the cross, the naturally-leavened rustic loaf, the rough black cloth, even the smudges of flour are evocative. It was thrilling to watch it come to life--from activating the starter, shaping the loaf, baking it, arranging the cloth, taking the photo, and lightly touching it up in Photoshop. I did this, start to finish, and it feels good. 
  • It also tasted good.

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