Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A guest blogger today!

Dear Diary,
I am as big as a head of cabbage now and weigh 2 whole pounds.  I don’t know what a cabbage is, but I think that means I’m getting pretty big.  My eyes are opening, but I can’t really see anything.  It’s pretty dark down here, but it’s warm and comfy so I don’t complain.  I have lots of space, although it doesn’t seem quite as big in here as it did a couple of months ago. 

Dear Diary,
This afternoon Mommy and Daddy went for a long walk.  I like it when they go for walks because they talk to each other for a long time and are happy.  I usually fall asleep though and then I think maybe I missed out on something.  They kept saying how nice it was outside.  I wish I could see what they see!  They also watched a television show called 24.  Sometimes Mommy gets really tense when she watches it and sometimes she laughs a lot.  I don’t understand this.  After each episode Daddy reads something out loud and they laugh even more.  I’m glad it makes them happy, but occasionally the loud noises from the TV scare me.

Dear Diary,
Today I figured out how to stand up.  That was FUN.  I celebrated by jumping up and down ALL DAY.  My feet could bounce on this sac that’s below my hideout and it was like being on a trampoline.  I skipped a few of my naps because it was just too cool.  I don’t know if Mommy liked it as much, but I couldn’t stop!  She kept putting her hands on her stomach and talking to me.  I sure got a lot of attention from her today!

Dear Diary,
My favorite time of the whole day is in the middle of the night.  Mommy goes to sleep for a long time and it gets too quiet.  When she gets up to go to the bathroom I get so excited that she’s awake that I jump and kick for a long time.  She doesn’t seem to mind too much, which is good because I like it when she’s awake.  She sometimes sticks me up against Daddy’s back…I think she wants me to kick him too.  I try, but he is harder to wake up.  I think this is because he hasn’t had any coffee for a while. 

Dear Diary,
I decided to stop jumping up and down today and focus on my sideways kicks.  Mommy shared part of a candy bar with me today and that was VERY exciting.  I had never had one before and it made us both hyper for a little while.  She also played her flute for a long time in the evening.  Her flute music makes me sleepy.  I like it when she sings better.  I try to sing along too and practice my drumming skills.  I think I want to play instruments when I get a little bigger.  Music makes me very happy.  When Mommy and Daddy were at Csehy they sang every evening and it was the best part of the day!

Dear Diary,
Today I am pretty sleepy.  I kept Mommy up for a long time last night when she got up to go to the bathroom.  She is especially quiet this morning and I think she probably wants to take a nap.  I kick her sometimes to let her know I’m still mostly awake and ready to play, but she still seems tired.   I don’t know if she can take a nap because she’s at work, but I can whenever I want.  Usually I don’t want to though.  There’s too much stuff to do and I have to practice sucking my thumb, kicking, flipping around, and swallowing.  Sometimes when I swallow a lot I get the hiccups.  They don’t last very long but I don’t like them!

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