Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A family outing

We all went to the Bills-Steelers preseason game on Saturday. Roy and James rooted for the Bills and Owen joined me for Pittsburgh. (And also to fend off any drunken, rude Bills fans. He kept the foul language around us to a minimum with his big goofy grin.) Pittsburgh got trounced, but that’s OK. We didn’t play our starters very long and it was fun to see Roy and his family enjoying offensive success. Enjoy it now boys…

I was proud of James and Owen. I don’t know of many 3 year and 10 month olds who could patiently watch and enjoy 3 quarters of football from the very top of an enormous stadium without meltdowns. They were awesome and I don’t think they kept anybody in our group from getting their money’s worth.

Incidentally, it was my first time tailgating. The sausages were good, but I didn’t want dinner afterwards. Owen and I skipped out on Red Robin and perused the nearby Home Goods store instead. Come to think of it, we might have done that even if I had been hungry.

I would go again. But I think if I went back to the Ralph I’d go when the Bills were playing another team so I could go as a quasi-fan and take part in the ruckus. Or, better yet, Heinz Field.

This is the picture I wanted to put up on Facebook, but two worship directors probably shouldn't flaunt their 10 month old wielding a beer bottle like a rifle.

Today’s 1%: When you're thankful for someone, take a moment to tell them. Last night I was internally prompted to send an email to an author I have great respect for. I have no idea if she'll ever read it, but if I had been the author I would want to know that my words were having a positive impact.

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