Wednesday, January 27, 2016

A brief rebuttal

My dearest husband, whom I absolutely adore, has just published a blog in which he tries, through passive-aggression, to justify the purchase of yet another doo-dad to add to his ever-expanding cache of trumpetness. My thoughts in response to this are as follows:

1.       How passive aggressive are we, really, when after publishing said blog, we toss our wife’s iPhone to her and say knowingly, “Blog’s up”?
2.       In said blog, husband writes of how he has promised to not buy any new trumpets, and surely a simple $35 purchase of a new mouthpiece is of no consequence. But said husband conveniently neglected to mention the expense (a January 2016 expense…) of a triple digit repair for a trumpet that he doesn’t even know if he’ll love once he gets it back.
3.       Said husband scoffs at many of his fellow trumpeters who are clearly gear-obsessed. They are forever buying new mouthpieces and lead pipes and cup sizes and back bores and triggers and bells (see how educated I am about this?) but to no permanent satisfaction. Said husband has commented repeatedly how futile this is, and how your own person and abilities ought to transcend the equipment fads that come along. To this I say, actions speak louder than words.

Now, about getting my flute’s footjoint expanded.

Today’s 1%: Book update:
7/50: Call The Midwife

8/50: Call The Midwife: Shadows of the Workhouse (Probably should not have read this one during the bleak mid-winter.)


  1. You have me convinced! Also, sisters need to stick together!:)

  2. I need a better acoustic guitar. Maybe a Taylor?
