Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The last two weeks...

Owen, while initially eager for at tractor ride, got the stage fright.

James is a vet.

We eased Owen in slowly. Dad cracked a couple of jokes about the tractor unable to pull us all.

Remove Mom, substitute fingers.

Boys with hats.

Finally building things up!

Intense focus.

OK, so you can't see it very well but I totally risked my life to snap a picture of that car's license plate. It says "WAH PAH." Can I get a Friends witness out there? Please? 

Olivia Grace. Swoon!

Owen meeting Olivia via photo. She is his intended so his fascination was a good sign.

Kid who loves vacuuming is the same kid who is terrified of the hair dryer.

Monday: "Daddy, you forgot your coffee."

Tuesday: "Daddy, you forgot your wallet."

Going on a "race" with Grandpa.

Wood chip excavation.

Nice Owen.

Hiding in the cleft of the tree. Took Grandpa to our favorite by-the-bay trails.

Owen watching Wii Frisbee Dog. 

First ice cream walk of 2016! Check out the fifth flavor down. 

Coookieeeee butterrrrrrrr

Living across the street from a huge playground is such a perk right now.

"MY ball."

James playing Wii golf outside with a roof slat.

My parents' beautiful home. First visit of 2016. Glorious colors everywhere!

Spent a week co-leading worship for a pastors' conference in Baltimore. This team was incredibly gifted and focused on the task at hand. Especially Roland. :D

While I was in Baltimore the boys soaked in every moment of spring at Grandma's house.

I think they look a little bit alike. Grandma and Owen.

Our grass was a mile high upon our return. My men were up to the task!

Owen semi-awake after a scary incident yesterday with a stolen table knife from the dishwasher that had remnants of peanut butter on it. A swollen face covered in hives, Benadryl, and a thorough bath yielded a baby who was extremely mellow, but hive-and-misery-free. Praise God!

James modeling his new cap for Lucas and Melissa's wedding. What a handsome dude! Swoon again!

Today's 1%: Book update!
26/50: Raising the Barre: Big Dreams, False Starts, & My Midlife Quest to Dance The Nutcracker. The title caught my attention, but I almost put the book down permanently on several occasions. The author spent far too long rambling about her own midlife crisis and its surrounding neurotic behaviors. I'm all for empathizing and often relate strongly with what I read, but this gal was just weird, and her soliloquies were difficult to connect with. So she came off as selfish to me. But the ballet stuff was interesting.

27/50: Confessions of a Prairie Bitch. Hah! I read this one half so I could write that naughty word in my blog. Alison Arngrin played Nellie Oleson in Little House on the Prairie and I hated her guts growing up. So do a lot of other people in the world apparently. Her memoir was largely funny, reflective, and a little bit sad. Glad I read it. Learned some things about LHOTP and to feel a little sorry for Nellie.

28/50: Upstairs at the White House: My Life with the First Ladies. J.B. West was chief usher at the White House for twenty years, serving as an employee from FDR through Nixon. His memoir was a fascinating inside look at the lives of the first ladies. As a lover of American history, this may be my favorite book of the year so far. West's loyalty to the office of the presidency renders his hundreds of details matter-of-factly, without passing judgement or ranking favorites among the first ladies. It was wonderfully written, extremely classy, and delightful to read.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

At the beach

James and Mommy at the dinner table:

Oh Mommy, I cannot WAIT for the beach! It will be after Houghton.

Yep buddy, it’s going to be so much fun there!

How long do you think we will be at the beach?

How about a whole week?

… … A whole WEEK?!? Oh sure! Hey, what kind of things should we bring to the beach?

Well, I think maybe we should bring our swimsuits.

Oh yes. And a blanket Mommy. And an umbrella! And Mommy, do you think we could take an inner tube for me when I’m out in the sea?

That sounds like a great idea!

Oh yes. And we will build sand castles in the sand and bury somebody in the sand and look for crabs!

And James, if we’re really lucky, maybe we’ll see some dolphins out in the ocean.

<look of concern> … … Well, maybe they won’t come too close…don’t dolphins eat people?

Oh no, dolphins are very friendly. They’re kind of like puppies.

Owen, “Dah-hee!!!!!!”

Yes Owen, doggie… Another thing we should take to the beach are some snacks and drinks for when we get hungry and thirsty. Maybe we should take along your little chair with the drink holder James.

Great idea Mommy! But…we will have to watch out to make sure a crab doesn’t steal my snack! Hey Mommy, what are your favorite things to do in the sea?

Well, I love best of all to go out a bit into the water and jump the waves when they come in towards the shore.

Oh wow Mommy. If there was a big wave you would have to jump SO HIGH.

Yes, and it’s lots of fun. You will have to come out with me and we can jump together. I can either hold your hand or hold you. Hey, I thought of another thing we should take to the beach. A Frisbee! It’s lots of fun to throw a Frisbee in the sand.

<look of concern> But Mommy, what if a crab comes along and steals our Frisbee? I don’t think we should take a Frisbee. That is not a good idea.

This conversation repeated daily all week. 115 days to the beach. Oh boy Mommy. Oh boy.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

April Date Night In: My Birthday

 “We, and I’m talking about all of us now, have created this romantic notion of ‘soul mates.’ We date people and search for ‘the one.’ If we are lucky to find that one, we marry and expect things to be perfect because we think we were made for each other. Yet when our ‘soul mate’ unintentionally hurts us and dissatisfies us in some way-which will happen because we are all imperfect people-we are crushed and confused, and we question whether ‘the one’ was really the soul mate.” –Ashley Rodriguez, DNI p. 37

OK, so let’s be honest here. I didn’t think Roy was my soul mate when we got married. Maybe it’s the realist or pessimist or whatever-ist in me, but I view marriage very much as a choice from the get-go. I choose to be with you through the good and bad. I choose to love you in spite of the coffee breath (which now goes both ways) and wrinkled shirts and your dilapidated pick-up truck. And you in turn put up with my anxieties and insecurities and lack of knowledge about anything dealing with ancient culture.

I think of Roy much more as my soul mate now, almost 9 years into our marriage. We are happiest and healthiest when we have the chance to spend significant time together. Our boys are calmer, our house is cleaner, and everybody finds it easier to laugh. The past two weeks we’ve had precious little time as a couple. He is working an additional full-time job this month in a distant city and I have a week-long conference and big woodwind quintet recital coming up. Nobody has been fortunate enough to escape Drippy Noses and Major Congestion. We had a hard time finding-the-time-to-find-a-time for Date Night In. But last night was it, and I looked forward to it harder than ever.

·         Hot Dates with Olive Oil and Sea Salt
·         Fresh Herb Risotto
·         Fennel-Crusted Lamb Chops
·         Crème Fraiche Panna Cotta with Ginger-Roasted Rhubarb

Our first night together in eleven, we shuttled the lads to their beds as soon as feasible and escaped to our quiet kitchen. I spent $17 on two lamb chops and was terrified to even look at them lest they char in front of my face. Roy gamely agreed to tackle the lamb while I claimed the lazy, warm job of stirring risotto for a half-hour. I had spent much of the afternoon and the previous evening seasoning the chops, making panna cotta (including my own homemade crème fraiche), and prepping fennel rub and herb puree. It was a sensual feast, with the bright green of the herbs, the pop of vanilla bean and toasted fennel seeds, and the irresistible sneak-taste of the panna cotta. The hope of spring!

It wasn’t until the risotto was almost finished that I remembered about the date appetizer. Thankfully they take all of five minutes to make. Warm, blistered dates with olive oil and a dusting of sea salt. Really, really good folks. This cookbook forces me to try things I couldn’t even fathom and then blows my mind.
Picture stolen from the internet...it would be hard to mess this dish up visually anyway.
The dates were consumed and we moved onto the main course, risotto and lamb. I’ve just started making risotto this winter, so the technique wasn’t foreign. This risotto had two cups of fresh herbs mixed in, which definitely gave it brightness. I personally think I’m coming to a place where I declare that more than a tiny sprig of parsley is just too much. I measured the parsley to the gram and I still felt that it was all I could taste. This dish yielded substantial leftovers though, so it’s possible that a night in the fridge helped take the edge off. More cilantro, less parsley. That’s my motto in life.
In process. There was a lot more broth to be absorbed and herbs to add.
Roy did a stupendous job on the lamb. He used our meat thermometer and nailed it on the cook. I’m giving him meat from now on. The fennel rub was pretty good—I personally wouldn’t use any more, but it did clear the “I can taste something other than licorice” line, if by a nose. The lamb tasted wonderful. I tried not to think about the cute fluffy animal I was eating…
Such a great job!
We made room for dessert. A month into spring we are, but rhubarb is nowhere to be found. Multiple Wegmans were consulted to no avail. So we had panna cotta with fresh strawberries instead. I was afraid my crème fraiche was too runny, but with the gelatin powder it thickened nicely. Since the purchase of this book vanilla bean has shot to the top of my favorite ingredients to use. It makes anything taste fancy. We enjoyed it with simple strawberries, but as soon as rhubarb comes in we’ll make it again with the proper roasted rhubarb and ginger.
We used our precious time to focus more on each other and less on taking artsy photos...
It was a great date. The food was wonderful and deeply enhanced by our desperate need to reconnect this month. I am so thankful for this project and that it’s, in a sense, forced us to make space. We worked hard all day yesterday getting all of the other to-dos out of the way so we could truly take the whole evening. And we needed every second of it.

“I’ve found that it’s through the course of marriage that you become soul mates. It’s through deep sadness that we learn to grieve together, through great joy we learn to celebrate together, and simply through the day-to-day that we learn how to use who we are to create a stronger unit that works for both. Somehow, in the midst of being married to Gabe, he’s managed to make me more ‘me.’ He has encouraged me to embrace who I am while gently inspiring me to see things differently: he refines who it is that makes me me. … Gabe and I are soul mates, but we worked damn hard to get here.” DNI, p. 37.

Today’s 1%: I bought metal tongs this week. I had the cheapest pair of plastic ones imaginable and “accidentally” melted them. (It really was an accident, but I wasn’t sorry at all.) This is going to be one of those investments that we look back on and know we did the right thing. 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Quick Hitters

Saintly Sister:

We couldn’t have survived the past few weekends without Aunt Martha. My dear sister-in-law, who studies at our alma mater, is an absolute saint. For the two years she’s been attending we’ve shamelessly taken advantage of her superb babysitting. The boys love her and she is, at the very least, great at acting like she enjoys them. I spent perhaps too long feeling guilty each time I dragged her away from all the cra-zay college parties and night life. ;) She told me a few weeks ago that she was waiting to get her hair cut until after the semester ended so that nobody would bring it up on campus and she wouldn’t have to needlessly talk to them. It was at that point that I decided to get over my guilt. Aunt Martha: we LOVE you and are SO thankful for you. All of the public (but on a blog so as not to start unwanted conversations) shout outs!
That's right...think of all this quality time with the boys away from college as a "promotion."

Baby Oh-livia:
I have a new goddaughter! I was surprised, honored, and sooooo very excited to be asked to serve as godmother to the newest Hamlet. Baby Olivia Grace was born last Tuesday and I have already done my godmotherly duties in buying baby girl clothes (Oh the joy! I have been telling myself that baby boy clothes are just as cute for so long, but all it took was one little excuse to buy girl clothes and my stance was shot to bits.) and snuggling her on several occasions. She is absolutely precious and we are grateful to our dear friends for supplying Owen with his very own Hamway bride.
Gymnastics 101:
People. The Olympics are less than four months away. FOUR MONTHS. (This also means less than four months until I am at the beach…you can see why all of this is so very exciting.) The USA has a big problem. They could send two teams to the Olympics and win gold and silver. They could send three teams and sweep. But they can only send one team, and the size of team has shrunk over the past twenty years from 7 to 5. Five gymnasts. Four years ago I correctly predicted the Fierce Five several months out. This time around I have crunched names and events and specialties and I’m not 100% settled. But I am sure of this: somebody that is TOTALLY deserving is going to be left out. And I’m afraid it’s going to be Maggie Nichols, which completely sucks because she’s Simone Biles’ best friend, she loves Jesus, and she is an incredible gymnast. Maggie’s best shot is if she gets her Amanar back and something happens consistency-wise to Laurie Hernandez. (I personally think Maggie would be better off replacing Gabby Douglas, but I think somebody might shoot me if I said that too loudly.)

Current team prediction and the events they’ll perform in the team final:
Simone Biles (Vault, Beam, Floor)
Gabby Douglas (Vault, Bars, Beam)
Aly Raisman (Vault, Beam, Floor)
Laurie Hernandez (Bars, Beam, Floor)
Madison Kocian/Ashton Locklear: Bars (this is a total tossup, but both are UB specialists and both have struggled with injuries. Whomever is healthy in July gets to go. The other is probably an alternate.)

Madison Kocian/Ashton Locklear
Maggie Nichols (kills me to write that)
MaKayla Skinner (she gets named alternate as an honorary “thank you for your service to USA Gymnastics” but Martha will never let her take the floor)

(If I had MY way:
Simone, Aly, Laurie, Maggie, Madison, with Gabby, Ashton, and Ragan Smith as alternates)

PS. Simone just debuted her Cheng vault and it was off-the-charts great. She is now the runaway favorite to win every single gold medal in Rio except bars. I cannot…I just canNOT tell you how incredible she is.
That's from only three world championships. Needless to say, she's not real big on sharing.

One week until the MINE conference! One week until sunny (pleeeeeaaaase) Baltimore! One week until making great music with great people and not having to pay for great food and great accommodations. We had our first rehearsal last night and it was so stinking fun. It’s a not-so-secret dream of mine to sing tight harmonies with super capable singers and this is my chaaaannnnnnce.

Reading update:
Book 25/50: A Thousand Miles to Freedom: My Escape from North Korea. Title says it all. Roy has an upcoming audition in San Francisco and I'm not thrilled about even entertaining the idea of halving the distance between myself and Kim Jong II...

Halfway to 50 books!

Friday, April 1, 2016

A walk in the woods

The photo doesn't do it justice, but we were up high. You can see the bay in the distance. Owen was insistent that he climb the entire way all by himself.

He has no fear.

Not so keen to cross the fallen log when there was more trail running to do.

Again, Owen defying any help, no matter the pace.

Waiting on the "turtle rock" at the bottom of the trail.

The best I could do to get him to look at the camera. (We're practicing Lucas and Melissa!)

But this may be more of what your bridal party photos look like...

I, too, can climb the rocks.

The bay was twenty yards away and we kept trying to get him to notice "the BIG puddle" but he was perfectly content with what he saw first.


Any fish?

Big puddle located. Holding back the enthusiasm.
Today's 1%: Book 23/50: Hope: A Memoir of Survival in Cleveland. The story of Amanda Barry and Gina DeJesus, kidnapped and held for a decade by Ariel Castro. Nothing but admiration for these women.

Book 24/50: Someday, Someday, Maybe. Written by Lauren Graham, better known as Lorelei Gilmore. ;) The writing was decent and the story idea (young actress trying to make it in NYC) reasonably compelling for the musician here, but both plot and pacing rather dull.