Wednesday, April 13, 2016

At the beach

James and Mommy at the dinner table:

Oh Mommy, I cannot WAIT for the beach! It will be after Houghton.

Yep buddy, it’s going to be so much fun there!

How long do you think we will be at the beach?

How about a whole week?

… … A whole WEEK?!? Oh sure! Hey, what kind of things should we bring to the beach?

Well, I think maybe we should bring our swimsuits.

Oh yes. And a blanket Mommy. And an umbrella! And Mommy, do you think we could take an inner tube for me when I’m out in the sea?

That sounds like a great idea!

Oh yes. And we will build sand castles in the sand and bury somebody in the sand and look for crabs!

And James, if we’re really lucky, maybe we’ll see some dolphins out in the ocean.

<look of concern> … … Well, maybe they won’t come too close…don’t dolphins eat people?

Oh no, dolphins are very friendly. They’re kind of like puppies.

Owen, “Dah-hee!!!!!!”

Yes Owen, doggie… Another thing we should take to the beach are some snacks and drinks for when we get hungry and thirsty. Maybe we should take along your little chair with the drink holder James.

Great idea Mommy! But…we will have to watch out to make sure a crab doesn’t steal my snack! Hey Mommy, what are your favorite things to do in the sea?

Well, I love best of all to go out a bit into the water and jump the waves when they come in towards the shore.

Oh wow Mommy. If there was a big wave you would have to jump SO HIGH.

Yes, and it’s lots of fun. You will have to come out with me and we can jump together. I can either hold your hand or hold you. Hey, I thought of another thing we should take to the beach. A Frisbee! It’s lots of fun to throw a Frisbee in the sand.

<look of concern> But Mommy, what if a crab comes along and steals our Frisbee? I don’t think we should take a Frisbee. That is not a good idea.

This conversation repeated daily all week. 115 days to the beach. Oh boy Mommy. Oh boy.

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