Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Results of Puff Pastry Round 1

Everybody, I'd like you to meet the quesito.

"Isn't it bee-yoo-ti-ful?"
ALSO...look at the mixer in the background. I've obviously been subconsciously influenced by Monica's kitchen.
Quesito is a pastry from Puerto Rico that I discovered at our local Italian bakery. (Don't ask because I don't know.) All I know is that it's delicious. Puff pastry stuffed with sweetened cream cheese, egg washed, dusted in sparkling sugar, and baked.

As you've read, my first attempt at puff pastry was not a complete success. But I wasn't going to waste 5 cups of bread flour and 1 1/2 cups of butter without attempting some type of actual bake. And quesito is relatively simple.

I think the picture I took of them is maybe a little deceiving. Those babies are dense. I couldn't get the dough to roll out as thinly as I hoped. So Mary Berry should be pleased. Because there are LOTS of "lairs."

Owen watched me pull the quesito out of the oven with intense longing in his eyes. And many sounds out of his mouth. "Mow! Mow!" ("More! More!")

So we sat down and ate one piping hot. It was really good. Lots more "mows."

We also had chocolate ice cream yesterday. It was a good day to be an Owen.
I have more dough and more filling, so more quesito for everybody! Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go for a long run to burn off all that butter...

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