Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Earthly economics

In other slightly more appropriate news, I just attended a most fabulous chapel service on campus.  The speaker was my all-time favorite professor outside of music, whom I haven’t heard lecture in 4 years.  He spoke on “A Biblical and Wesleyan View on Ministry to the Poor.”  His delivery style is this magical balance of calm wisdom while never resting audibly or mentally until the final statement.  As usual, I experienced the major exhale as he closed and prayed the Lord’s wisdom to be imparted on us. 
Jesus and Wealth
Money is a…
1.       Strangler
2.       Damning
3.       Idol
Wesley and Wealth
1.       Equal wealth
2.       Gain all you can (so you can…)
3.       Save all you can (so you can…)
4.       Give all you can
I’m never positive that I totally agree with this professor, but he does an outstanding job of raising questions and demanding you to consider something outside your comfort zone. 

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