Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Five things.

Five things about my pregnancy that I could do without:
5.  Not being able to sleep on my stomach anymore.  I’m still not really showing…but doc says that once you hit 20 weeks no more stomach sleeping.  I’ve been trying this for 2 weeks now and it’s not getting a whole lot easier.  This makes me sad. 
4.  Foods and drinks to avoid.  There have been a few nights when my husband poured himself a glass of wine and I looked at that wine and thought…that would be a great way to unwind.  Or when I really want something carbonated and sweet…but not super sugary and not fake sugary either. 
3.  No Ultimate Frisbee this summer at camp.  I work at a camp for two weeks each summer that advertises itself as a music camp, but really is a closet Ultimate camp.  2 hours every afternoon, grinding it out on a turf field, loving the chance to play with others who can actually throw and catch a disc.  This summer?  Me, on the sidelines, wishing I had a force field superpower that would make the whole phrase “contact sport” go away.
2.  People wondering when I’m going to “pop.”  I’m doing as many things right as I can regarding appetite and such, but this baby wants to hide out and not make it obvious to the world that he exists.  So I continue to be able to wear much of my normal wardrobe to work and around the house, and I love it!  But the comments continue and are becoming more frequent.  “You sure don’t LOOK like you’re pregnant.”  “You must have a really petite baby.”  Or…they forget that I’m pregnant all together and ask me to carry heavy boxes over long distances.  Hmmm.  Gotta refresh on the whole saying no thing.
1.  The touching of the stomach.  As you’ve already heard, my stomach doesn’t exist in colossal display yet, but people still insist on patting it, rubbing it, or just putting their hand there and starting a conversation while their hand stays there.  For a very few people in my life, this is acceptable, but those very few people already have enough common sense to ask ahead of time.  Seriously—if it’s inappropriate to touch somebody’s stomach any other time in their life this should not give you permission to start lovin’ on my abdomen.  Please and thanks.  J

Five things about my pregnancy that are indescribably incredible:
5.  Not having morning sickness.  I can’t believe it!  My mom, aunt, grandma, and basically everybody on my maternal side of the family were all incredibly sick for at least 3 solid months.  I had one day…which was more like an afternoon, where I thought that maybe, just maybe, I’d throw up.  And I didn’t.  I ate normal food for the most part and smells haven’t bothered me in the least.  And now I’m over the first trimester hump and everything still looks great!  I am one lucky girl.
4.  The generosity of friends and family.  This baby is in his fifth month and I have an entire wardrobe of super-cute maternity clothes.  We also have stacks of baby clothes, a bassinet, diaper genie, and more things on the way because people couldn’t resist sharing with us.  Their spirits of giving are such an inspiration and encouragement to our little family.  We are touched by their love!
3.  Technology.  I love technology, always and forever.  The ability to hear this little guy’s heartbeat so early on and consistently at each appointment never ceases to amaze (and relieve) me.  And the way our lab technician took us on a tour of our baby’s developing body at the sonogram floored me and my husband, who is not easily impressed with machinery (unless it’s an iPhone).   We could see the heart, the kidneys, the bones, the head, the feet and hands, basically everything.  That’s a PERSON down there!
2.  Strengthening of a marriage.  I have it good ladies and gentlemen.  I have it real good.  I knew I had it good when I got married.  I knew I had it good two years and three years into our marriage.  Well, let me tell ya…I have it GOOD.  My husband is a rock of consistency, wisdom, and generosity.  When I am tired, he will sit down and talk with me, if that’s what I need, or I may drift off for a brief power nap and awake to find the dishes washed in the kitchen.  He is always willing to go out late at night for a hamburger, if that’s what we so desire.  (I’m pretty sure that’s not a huge sacrifice on his part.)  His excitement at baby’s development and growth and desire to be a part of it all impresses me daily.  I have it GOOD.
1.  Speaking of baby’s development and growth…this kid is turning into a soccer player.  Squirms have turned into solid kicks that have gotten strong enough that I can see my shirt flutter and VWH can feel them too.  (Don’t let this be added fuel for you all to want to touch my stomach…ask first.)  There’s something down there!  And it’s alive and letting his mama know that he’s down there.  And when we went to music camp last week for a visit and spent a half-hour singing glorious praises, he let us know that he either enjoyed it most thoroughly or found it a bit too noisy.  Thump-a-thump-a-thump!  I prefer to think he’s going to be a musical genius. 
This journey has been occasionally overwhelming, yes.  But the joys and perspective it brings to my life easily outweigh any inconveniences or worries.  (Thump-a-thump.)  I plan on soaking in the next few months when, even though I might not be able to sleep on my stomach, I can sleep through the night.  I hope to soak in this time with just me and baby, before he comes to visit all of these loved ones who are so eager to meet him.  And I praise our Creator for entrusting me to carry this little life and take care of him…a responsibility not for the faint of heart methinks. 

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