Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Lessons from Hayden

Things I've learned from my 16 month-old niece:
1.       Reading books is fun.  We should spend a lot of time reading and rereading books…front to back and back to front.
2.       The delight of eating goldfish crackers easily outweighs the troubles of life.
3.       It’s really OK to put your hands on the glass window and examine it up close.  Smudges are only temporary and completely acceptable.
4.       Naps are GREAT.
5.       Stroller walks are an excellent source of fun.  Pushing the stroller though…inexplicably superior.
6.       Sharing an ice cream cone with your aunt isn’t a bad thing at all.  Germs are for wimps.
7.       Trucks and tractors really are incredible feats of engineering.
8.       Feeling clean and fresh definitely improves one’s overall mood.
9.       That being said, it’s OK to be messy sometimes.  In fact, it can be preferable in triggering the giggles.
10.     Saying “I love you” brings a smile to just about anybody’s face.

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