Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Adventures of James D Bear...Volume 2: Valentine's Day

(A small disclaimer: VWH writes the stories, not me.  So while I happen to think that James D Bear loves BOTH of us the best, I have to go with what Father Bear has composed.)

James D Bear lives in the nursery at 749 Washington Street.

One morning his Mama woke him up and said, “Happy Valentine’s Day, James D Bear!”

James Bear said to his Mama, “Mother, what is Valentine’s Day?”

Mama answered, “Valentine’s Day is a special day when you give presents and tell someone you love them very much.  It is a special day for you and your Valentine!”

“Giving presents?  That sounds like Christmas!  Yay!” said James Bear.

“Silly James Bear,” said Mama, “today you give presents to your Valentine!”

James D Bear made a serious face.  “Mother,” he asked, “who is my Valentine?”

“You may choose who your Valentine is,” said Mama.  But James D Bear still did not know.

So James Bear called his father at work to ask him about Valentine’s Day, because Father Bear knows almost everything.

He told James D Bear, “Your Valentine is the person you love more than anyone else in the world.”

“Mother, now I know who my Valentine is!”

“It’s you!”

Happy Valentine’s Day, James D Bear!

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