Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Adventures of James D Bear...Volume One: Tummy Time

James D Bear lived at 749 Washington Street.  He slept in his nursery until his Mama came to wake him up.

James Bear smiled his happiest smile at Mama, because he loved her more than anyone else in the world, and she loved him too.

James D Bear ate his breakfast and then said to his Mama, “Mother, I want to play!”

James Bear played on the floor with Ladybug, who sang him songs and swayed back and forth.

Then James Bear batted his rattle with his little bear paw, and pretended to make beautiful music like his Mama and Papa.

Just then Mama Bear came in and told James D Bear, “Little James, it’s time for you to play on your tummy!”

James Bear does not like tummy time.

His little bear paws were trapped beneath him and now matter how hard he kicked his little bear legs he could not roll over.

“Mother Bear” he said, “I do not like tummy time.  I cannot roll over and I cannot see Ladybug and I cannot play my rattle!  Please help me roll over.”

But Mama Bear knew that James D Bear needed to do his tummy exercises every day, so he could be a big strong bear when he grew up.

James Bear does not care for tummy time.  He became so upset that he began to cry.

“I will never get off my tummy!” he thought.  “I will be stuck here forever and never see my Mother again!”

Just then James Bear felt someone’s arms around him.  Mama Bear had remembered him after all!

“Sweet James Bear, you just needed to finish your tummy time.  But now I am glad you are in my arms.” 

And James D Bear was glad he was there too.

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