Thursday, March 17, 2016

Book update

I’ve been reading! I just haven’t always remembered to mark down when I finished a book. This gets me caught up…

Book 18/50: Rogue Lawyer
John Grisham's latest. I love John Grisham, although his past two books have become increasingly politically-charged. A little less fiction and a little more agenda. I prefer the escape from reality...

Book 19/50: To Kill A Mockingbird
One of those books I should have read a long time ago. I finally got serious about it when Roy booked tickets for us to see the play at GEVA Theatre. It was such a great book. I had it in my head that Atticus Finch was some kind of old, dirty, southern drunk. ‘Atticus’ is such a sharp-sounding name to me. Turns out he’s more like John Avery Whittaker, or as Roy said, “an American Dumbledore.”

20/50: The Giver
A re-read from college. I originally stole it from a camper in my wing after she complained about how boring it was and LOVED it. Loved it just as much this time around. Couldn’t quite banish the sobering notion of equating Gabriel with Owen.

21/50: Chasing Grace: Reflections of a Catholic Girl, Grown Up
Martha Manning is a psychologist who wrote a very funny memoir. I didn’t grow up Catholic, but I found myself nodding vigorously with a lot of her descriptions of a fundamentalist childhood—and the hilarious confusion in sorting through those black and whites in a grey world. I laughed out loud more than once--recommended!

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