Friday, April 1, 2016

A walk in the woods

The photo doesn't do it justice, but we were up high. You can see the bay in the distance. Owen was insistent that he climb the entire way all by himself.

He has no fear.

Not so keen to cross the fallen log when there was more trail running to do.

Again, Owen defying any help, no matter the pace.

Waiting on the "turtle rock" at the bottom of the trail.

The best I could do to get him to look at the camera. (We're practicing Lucas and Melissa!)

But this may be more of what your bridal party photos look like...

I, too, can climb the rocks.

The bay was twenty yards away and we kept trying to get him to notice "the BIG puddle" but he was perfectly content with what he saw first.


Any fish?

Big puddle located. Holding back the enthusiasm.
Today's 1%: Book 23/50: Hope: A Memoir of Survival in Cleveland. The story of Amanda Barry and Gina DeJesus, kidnapped and held for a decade by Ariel Castro. Nothing but admiration for these women.

Book 24/50: Someday, Someday, Maybe. Written by Lauren Graham, better known as Lorelei Gilmore. ;) The writing was decent and the story idea (young actress trying to make it in NYC) reasonably compelling for the musician here, but both plot and pacing rather dull.

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