Sunday, May 8, 2016

If you read one thing today, read this

I've been waiting to post this until Mother's Day, but it's been burning a hole in my heart for a month or so now. First off, my mother in law is. this. And I, as the daughter in law, have been. that. The one who wanted to change things and trample all over her beautiful tapestry. And through it all she remained simple and sophisticated. And each year that passes in my marriage is a year where I see a little more clearly how beautiful her tapestry is. How complex and loved and laughed-over and cried-over it is. My respect and awe continually grows.

I've seen my mother act in the same lovely way as Daniel brought his beautiful bride into the family. And Emily has responded with grace. It's a beautiful thing when daughters and mothers live together in sophistication.

So read this, especially if you are a daughter or a mother. May it challenge you. May it encourage you.

Happy Mother's Day.

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