Monday, May 23, 2016

Spring 2016 photo drop

Reading Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

"I can climb into any chair I want."

Is there anything quite as magical as watching your child solving the mystery of reading?

Outside in short sleeves. There is much dirt to be dug.

This sweet boy always picks his mama dandelions.

And this sweet boy is sure to steal her chair when she looks away for a second.

Trampolining with Alexa.

Must keep my socks on Mom.

Mom insisted harder when it came to the water table.

Owen got a turn too. It was the most adorable-est thing ever.

Can we get one of these at home Mom?

Picnicking with best friends.

James dug a road at the playground and told me to take a picture of it.

Stealing my shades.

Could I BE any cooler than this?

Live tree growing around old tree.

A long hike on a beautiful morning. 

Found a stream with many pebbles.

Perfect for throwing.

Up in a tree.

Fell asleep in the middle of the floor. Spring days are exhaustingly fun and full!

"We can share the blue car Owen."

"I don't think so."

Nothing is safe.

Poor James. This will probably be you in the near future. Genetically you have no chance...

"Can I eat it?"

A rare "look and smile" from James. 

Owen loves to snuggle whomever is close by.

James tolerates it.

Feeling loved during teacher appreciation week.

Sandbox at Nama's house...perhaps our favorite location in the galaxy.

With beautiful niece Hayden.

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