Friday, July 29, 2016


Csehy causes James to act like a grown-up. We leave tomorrow and I'm quite curious to see how much of his newfound confidence and independence sticks around.

“Oh, George can stay in the apartment with Steven and the cars.”

“Mommy, I will take my plate up to the conveyor belt. Can I take yours up for you too?”

“Here Mommy, I’ll hold this door open for you.”

“Owen, here’s your sippy cup. I got it out of the backpack for you.”

“I put my scooter in the trunk all by myself.”

“This sign says ‘One Way.’”

“Mommy, I saw our football across the courtyard and we were going to leave it, so I ran and got it and put it in your purse.”

“I will go ask Zane’s mommy if he can ride scooters with me after supper. Wait right here.”

“No, George and Steven will sleep with the cars in the kitchen cabinet. I don’t need them tonight.”

“Owen, we say ‘left, right, left right, safe to cross.’”

When asked not to drag the toe of his shoe on the sidewalk to brake his scooter:
“But it looks better this way.”

Today's 1%:
Book 44/50: The Nurses: A Year of Secrets, Drama, and Miracles with the Heroes of the Hospital. Pretty self-explanatory title. 

Book 45/50: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. I read this like a month ago but I don't think it ever ended up in my blog. Sweet, sad story about Auschwitz. One of those good introductory stories for middle schoolers in the vein of Anne Frank, only historical fiction.

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