Thursday, September 22, 2016

Food and book update

Moms who stay at home with their babies all day probably don't have time to make food that looks this this. But it's exactly the kind of thing they want to do--creativity please!

Vegetable tian. Very French, very rustic, very time-intensive. It was really nice to put something pretty on the table last night.

Again, channeling the "lairs" of Mary Barry. And Donkey from Shrek. Zucchini, yellow squash, red onion, red potatoes, tomato. Dressed with olive oil, S&P, thyme, garlic.
I was looking through my Kindle and realized there was a book I finished a month ago that got skipped somehow in my blog. So, here's the updated list:

Book 55: Rosemary: The Hidden Kennedy. Did you know that JFK had a developmentally challenged sister? Neither did I. And apparently neither did most of the world. Did you know that her father subjected her to a lobotomy in her early 20s, rendering her incapable of most basic functions? Neither did I. Her story is tragic, and while the author tried to shine a positive light on all the Kennedy and Shriver families have done for accommodating and educating individuals with special needs since then, I was boiling over with rage at her father, who went behind his wife's back to carry out the procedure and then institutionalized Rosemary.

Book 56: Water for Elephants. This book came recommended from several friends. As one who finds circuses rather dark and creepy, this book did little to dispel those notions. It was bawdy and literally full of "rolls in the hay."

I've also read several cookbooks recently, but I've decided not to count those in my literary listing for 2016. If anyone happens to be curious to know what I think about them I'll be happy to review them at some point...

1 comment:

  1. Your tian looks gorgeous! I discovered a similar (maybe simpler) recipe a couple years ago and love trotting it out. Fancy!
