Saturday, September 3, 2016


Today was just me and Roy. Today was sleeping in and meandering lazily downstairs, making coffee and sipping it in silence, enjoying smoothies without fending off greedy little boys (albeit cute ones).

Today was a 4 mile run along the Erie Canal in perfect, 68 degree weather. It was about running all the way to the world’s biggest Wegmans, wandering aimlessly through the aisles, sampling fine, free cheese and examining kitchen gadgetry.

Today was a 4 mile run back along the Erie Canal in perfect, 69 degree weather, ending at the Village Bakery.

Today was a frangipane pastry, a Caroline breakfast sandwich, and a toast-tasting outdoors in the 70 degree shade.

Today was cold brew coffee from Starbucks and driving back in peaceful silence, content with all that had been accomplished.

Tonight was picking up the boys from their grandparents' house and promptly being thrown up on.


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