Wednesday, July 24, 2013

We love summer because...

VWH is home!  This means there is an extra adult around the house to keep track of one active boy, plus help with the dishes.

 Csehy Summer School of Music.  Two weeks of wonderful students, terrific ensemble rehearsals, sweet fellowship, and Ultimate Frisbee. And the inevitable heat wave leaving us stranded on the third floor of an apartment building in the middle of an open field with no AC. 

Outdoor orchestra concerts.  James and I attended this concert at the M&T Plaza a week ago with VWH (not visible).  You can't see the fountain in this picture, but let me assure you it was the only thing James was interested in exploring.

Fruit smoothies.  Just looking at this picture makes me want one.  Ours have been growing progressively greener, with slow changes to plain Greek yogurt, flax seed, and scary green things like spinach and avocado.  Yum.

Visits from best friends.  When bestie lives 6 states away summer is a grand time for happy reunions.  This inevitably leads to...

New tank tops, because shopping is a given when Jess is in town.  Once said top is purchased you can wear it to a...

Birthday bash.  When all of your friends were either born or married in the summer, it just seems a waste NOT to all get together and celebrate. 

Library trips.  It becomes much more feasible to visit the local library when you have two grownups to cover the small child who is in heaven because there are thousands of books at his level.  Must.  Pull.  Every.  Single.  One.  Off!

Annual summer TV show marathon.  This year we've diverted from Jack Bauer and are trying The West Wing.  I'm not sure we'll finish the whole thing, but it's entertaining and thought-provoking from time to time.

First words from little boys.  James has taken his sweet time feeling the need to communicate in English with us.  But today he said his first official word.  "Basketball."  No surprise, since basketballs trump food, normal, commonplace balls, and even dogs in James' world.  We quickly discovered that showing him pictures of basketball hoops don't count.  You have to actually SEE one in the wild. We went for a long walk and thoroughly inspected all neighbors' driveways within a certain radius for hidden hoops.  You've never seen two grownups more excited to spot a basketball hoop and immediately point it out:  "James, what's that?!?"  "It's BASketball!!"  <heart melts>


  1. Thanks for the smiles, today, Julie!

  2. The West Wing!!! What a great show. We've got all the seasons on DVD (Dad is an avid fan).
    Also, Yay to James saying his first word!!!! Can't wait to hear him speaking in person when I get back!
