Thursday, March 19, 2020

Favorite things right now

With Felix:
  • Snuggling under a blanket together in the library and watching the fat sparrows next door. Half of the fun is that we're allowed to call them fat.
  • Going for walks outside and collecting rocks.
  • Watching him pull out the smoothie straws by himself each morning and jump around the kitchen floor while the blender runs.
With Owen:
  • School each morning. He is getting to be quite a whiz at math!
  • We've all been sleeping in a bit, but he faithfully crawls into my bed at the earliest allowed minute and snuggles close until I'm sufficiently conscious to make breakfast.
  • Going for walks outside and collecting rocks. And then returning them because they were actually landscaping stones.
With James:
  • Discussing the books he's been reading. He's almost reached his goal of 25 chapter books and then we can order (pick up only!) Chicken Charlie pizza. 
  • Watching him and Roy laugh over dumb Latin jokes that I already don't understand.
  • Snuggling next to him during movie nights.

With Roy:

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