Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Ways I Accidentally Prepared for COVID-19

  • Had the treadmill serviced a week before things got real.
  • Replaced the battery in Roy's cell phone the same weekend we got the treadmill worked on.
  • Didn't try too hard to fall in love with Parks and Rec before March 2020.
  • Gave my husband a reason to use Finale for some church work and inadvertently reinvigorated his zeal for arranging.
  • Planned a worship night at church centered on the theme of compassion--printed and rehearsed a dozen songs in preparation. Didn't get to do the worship night, but recorded most of those songs under the gun for the next month-plus of services, in a time when compassion is essential.
  • Recently bought fresh running shoes.
  • Replaced my broken Kindle immediately instead of waiting a month.
  • Am already experienced at using the e-book system with our library.
  • Love to cook and bake.
  • Have an electronic piano that has a record function and doesn't go out of tune.
  • Have a mother who is a pro at giving lessons via Skype.
  • I already cut everyone's hair.

Today I started The Project that has been on the bucket list for years and I just haven't been able to commit to. Sourdough starter is in the kitchen. If all goes according to plan we may have our first loaf by Sunday. Fingers crossed!

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