Thursday, October 21, 2010

Admissions equations

November 11=Veterans Day
Veterans Day does NOT=day off for college students  (I can't find the equal-sign-with-the-slash-through-it on my keyboard)
Veterans Day=day off for high schools
Day off for high schools = prospective student visits at college

Veterans Day = No admissions counselors until 11 AM
Veterans Day = Admissions luncheon at the President's house from 11:30-1 sum up:
Veterans Day=student visits + admissions luncheon - admissions counselors=one very frazzled events coordinator

In other news, I directed a choir of 65+ year olds last night.  I was subbing for my VWH, who had a gig in PA.  I was definitely out of my element.  Flute choirs I can do.  Singers...I know nothing about diction.  (I still catch myself saying 'prolly' every day.)  And then when the pianist backed out I was faced with conducting, playing piano, and singing all at the same time.  I know women are supposed to be multi-taskers, but comon'!  (...see what I mean about diction...)  Thankfully they were all very sweet old people and one especially cheeky, elderly chap commented on how much nicer I was to look at than VWH.

Then I got home with time for a long, hot shower and a book before sleep claimed me.  VWH had a day off teaching today, which meant that all of the tasks that I've been dawdling on have gotten accomplished.  Paying bills--done!  Grocery shopping--vamoose!  And Janette cooked dinner so I don't even have to do that when I get back.  I am one spoiled woman.

VWH got back from the grocery store with everything except coarse salt.  We're having a party tomorrow night and making homemade soft pretzels, for which I need pretzel salt.  He called from the parking lot to inform me that he couldn't find the salt.  "Did you ask somebody for help?"  "  Welp, I'm on my way home now--see you soon!"  Upon his return he offered the following explanation:  "Well, you see--it didn't even occur to me to ask for help.  I think this must be because I'm a hunter-gatherer, and in the ancient days the hunter-gatherers never asked a squirrel for help finding the large game."  (This declaration sent Janette into spasms of laughter.)  First off, what in the world is a hunter-gatherer?  Some kind of man/woman cross?  Secondly, I doubt Wegmans employees around the world would appreciate being likened to squirrels in the wilderness.

Here's a random thought (brought on by the annonying sensation reminding me that I need Chapstick): which is more gross--borrowing somebody else's lip balm or dipping your finger into a vat of Vaseline?  Originally I would have taken the Vaseline, but upon further reflection, I'm not sure.

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