Tuesday, December 1, 2015

5 things...

1.       I, so far, am still running, even though it’s getting colder outside. I’ve discovered that having insightful podcasts makes all the difference when I’m going solo. (Also, a hat. If my ears are cold it ain’t happenin’.) Today we went as a family. The boys were bundled up and it was twice as enjoyable to chat with Roy as we loped along. Another reason to anticipate the spring of 2016.
2.       We now have a Christmas tree in our living room. And stockings hung. And a nativity set up. James GETS it this year. He remembered where every decoration went from last year, even down to the animals’ location in the nativity. He is most excited, as he was last year, about the little tree he gets to have in his own room, along with George and Steven’s stockings hung on his wall. Owen thinks the tree is great fun and, as we suspected, wants to bat down every ornament within arm’s reach. James is very worried about this and lies under the tree trying to protect the precious ornaments from breakage.
For all of his mischief and shenanigans, he is rather adorable.

3.       I’m planning the Christmas cookie extravaganza for our December. In my family growing up each member picked a certain kind, which led to five types in all. I think James most wants to make gingerbread men (he is sure one will pop out of the oven and take off), and Roy wants the traditional sugar cut-outs. I want to make Melissa’s chocolate cut-outs, and Owen will happily sample any and all that are offered (or not). This is going to mean a lot of cookie cutters, and I’m happy to have a giant bag from my mom’s house passed on for our little guys. Thanks Mom!
4.       Roy and I were going to have Date Night In next weekend, but, surprise!, he found a babysitter for that night, so we are swapping Date Night In for Date Night OUT. (Your regularly scheduled DNI will happen mid-month instead.) I’m not sure what we’ll be doing—we chatted through numerous options during our run. Part of me would love to sip hot drinks and hear live jazz. Part of me wants to go to the big mall and walk through the hustle and bustle. (Part of me thinks that’s nuts too.) It’s rare that we go out just the two of us, and I’m not very practiced in it, I’m afraid. My goal for our night out is to be able to be “out” from the get-go, and not take two hours to relax.
5.       This came to my door twenty minutes ago…


Today’s 1%: The tree-getting was fast and uneventful (see previous posts of madness and mayhem on hubby’s blog). No screaming children, no snowstorms, no…thongs. (It’s such a long story.)

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