Friday, December 18, 2015

Long nights

When lights go out and all is well
I slip under my sheets
And drift off quickly to a land
Beyond the tallied sheep

All is calm and all is bright
As dreams o’ertake my mind
When through the silence screams resound
That scare all humankind

For ‘cross the wall there lies in bed
A small babe, blonde and sweet
By day at least, but once the night
The Mandrake’s call we meet

His cries are not quite yet matured
But vile still is his shriek
The cry of my wee Mandrake
Is slowly killing me

And once I rise and go to him
His wrinkled face relaxed
He smiles and holds his arms out
“Mom, it’s time now for a snack!”

He eats and burps and stretches long
Content with being fed
The Mandrake calmly drifting off
As I tiptoe back to bed

All is calm and all is well
And dreams are sweet and glad
‘Til 3AM, when once again
The Mandrake, just plain mad.

Repeatedly he screams and howls
An hour or more at least
I wish I might be Petrified
So I could get some sleep

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