Friday, January 1, 2016

I hereby resolve

1.       To read 50 books this year, none of which include the titles of Curious George, Berenstain Bears, or Dr. Seuss. Beyond that, my standards are low. (Harry Potter, anyone?)

2.       To run/remain active. (If not running, Piyo or some other form of indoor exercise on days when it’s -8 outside.)

3.       To blog somewhat regularly.

4.       To use my new mixer (oh, more to come on this) for things that are creative and not just necessary. (In other words, make buying a stand mixer over another hand mixer worth the investment.)

5.       To find a way to read the Bible daily…preferably in the mornings and in a way that my children can see that I am making it a priority, while not having their presence completely distract me from what I’m reading.

6.       To save $___. A joint resolution with Roy.

Keep in mind—I aim high (50 books is a ridiculously wishful number here) so that maybe I’ll do a decent job (25 books would, realistically, be awesome).

Today’s 1%: I ran. On a holiday. As he was dragging me out the door Roy told me, “look at it this way—everybody else will be out walking or jogging because it’s New Years’ and they are starting their resolution to lose weight. We’ll blow right by ‘em!” Yeah…we didn’t see anybody.

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