Tuesday, February 8, 2011

And then there were two!

When VWH suggested that I start a blog I was reluctant for a few reasons.  Most of them involved me not wanting to stoop to the level of the average teenage blogger.  (“omg my life sux so bad right now I cant handel it.”)  Yeah…not so much.  I also had a sneaky suspicion that VWH considered blogs in a similar light and felt so sorry for me that he was digging pretty deep to come up with ideas.  I didn’t want him to view me that way.  But as it turns out, I’ve really enjoyed being a lowly blogger.  It’s given me a creative outlet for sure and it turns out that I enjoy writing when it’s not for a grade.  Not sure I’m any good at it, but it’s fun to attempt to paint word-pictures to your thoughts and stories.
You know how in the movies somebody will scoff at something they consider stupid, but then you see them peeking around the corner, watching you do it anyway?  And then they sneak a little closer and you can tell they’re interested, but don’t want you to know.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo0F1YEYU1U.  (A good example.)  Well, I have started to sense this from a certain individual.  Somebody else who really enjoys writing, although he prefers a pen and paper to keyboard.  Somebody who read my blog religiously from the get-go, although I assumed this was an act of support more than an act of interest. 
That’s write!  I mean right!  VWH has started his VERY OWN BLOG.  I caught a peek at it the other day because it’s a baby blog and only came into existence a few days ago.  It’s full of Latin and Greek and musings on ancient literature.  Definitely not story-telling-time.  Definitely “have-to-read-it-twice-or-maybe-three-times-to-understand-it” type of reading material.  (Unfortunately, I am a story teller, not a philosopher, so it takes me a while.)  But he has inserted pictures, which means that he’s already one-upped me with the technological capabilities of a blog.  It also ensures that I can understand some things that he’s saying.   I just want to take a moment to celebrate the fact that my husband is pretty much the most intelligent person I know.  He makes me smarter just by being around him.
He refers to me as “J.”  I guess I don’t get adjective-initials.  But that’s OK.  I’m happy to get a mention every now and then.   And I want to say, here and now, that I take full credit for when his blog becomes more popular than the one that led to Julie and Julia.
PS.  How CUTE was the little Darth Vader Super Bowl commercial??? 

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