Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Buuuuuhhh-bump, ba-buumm!

When I was little I didn’t have many great girlfriends.  I had brothers and a few friends here and there, but it wasn’t until college that I really made friends that will last a lifetime.  Because of this, I wasn’t one to fantasize endlessly about my wedding day.  By the time my actual wedding rolled around, I had a lot to learn.  (And only 5 months in which to learn it!)  Thankfully, the day went beautifully, I am happily married to my VWH, and I don’t think it consumed me as much as other brides-to-be.  (My mom says differently, but I refuse to think of myself as a perfectionist and detail-oriented individual…that would mean I’m turning into her.  Just kidding Mom!!!) 
My best friend had a wedding movie named after her.  You may have seen it.  It was called 27 Dresses and starred Katherine Heigl, an actress delegated to cheesy roles about overly-dramatic women.  Anywho, 27 Dresses is about a young lady who is always a bridesmaid, never a bride.  27 times over.  BFF (who is not cheesy or overly-dramatic by the way) has a closet full of bridesmaid dresses, which has proven to be of great benefit to me whenever I needed a party frock or recital outfit.  BFF has actually turned down being in weddings; something I never thought was possible, because she was already in too many others around the same time.  (It goes without saying that I was completely and totally honored that she agreed, not only to be in my wedding, but to serve as my maid of honor.  I must have a little clout.)  I, on the other hand, have been in a grand total of two weddings.  (Not counting getting the chicken pox as a 5 year old and missing my only chance to be a flower girl.  I’m still bitter about that.)  I don’t even go to that many weddings.  I think they’re lovely and grand and would love to participate in more, and I have such great friends, but few of them seem to be moving in that direction.
When I married my VWH I realized that I was entering a much bigger family than my own.  And with both VWH and me being the oldest siblings, there was the risk of a few family weddings occurring within the span of a few years.  We got our first taste of family weddings a few months ago when the first of his 5 siblings tied the knot with his lovely bride.  VWH served as best man and I was bestowed the title of “wedding coordinator.”  (I had visions of Franc in Father of the Bride, planning the wedding of the century.  The bride shattered these dreams when she informed me that “Basically you get to yell at people and tell them what to do.”  Now that I think about it, it wasn’t all that bad…)  The day was just beautiful and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.  (VWH giving an especially eloquent, tear-jerking toast.)
Now we enter 2011, and boy oh boy, are we in for a year full of satin and tux rentals!  Two more brothers on VWH’s side are getting married this summer.  The first of my brothers is getting married in December.  I’ll be in all three bridal parties and VWH in two.  I also recently found out that one of my dear friends from college may be getting married in August.  I don’t know if I’ll be a part of the party or music, but I most certainly wish to attend and support the bride in any way I can.  So that makes 4 weddings in a year.  I used to wish for my single friends (which is pretty much all of my friends) to find the men of their dreams and live happily ever after.  Now I’m thinking, “OK…well, you want to make SURE he’s the right one…let’s not rush this…don’t you want a BIGGER diamond???
Seriously though, I am SO thrilled to be a part of these beloved individuals’ special days.  Talking with my brother last night and hearing the excitement in his voice almost brought tears to my eyes.  I’m going to be a positive mess when his gorgeous Emily walks down the aisle and his heart’s desire is finally and completely his.  The best part of these weddings is that I have full confidence that they are matches that have blossomed under the guidance of our heavenly Father and will seek to glorify Him.  I’m not sure I could participate any other way.  It makes the dress, shoes, gifts, party-planning and so many other things entirely worth it. 

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