Monday, April 25, 2011

Heartbeats, lentils, and cowboys.

Yeah for two entries in a row (not counting the weekend/time off from work for Easter)!  OK, so it’s been like half a week, but that’s still a big improvement compared to the space between the last two entries.

So, first off.  Update from last week.  We went to see Invasive Woman.  VWH made a bold attempt to stay in the waiting room when I was called back but we made him come.  (As the PA said, “It’s his kid too, right?”)  This turned out to be a good move as Invasive Woman was posing as her normal street name, Dr. OBGYN.  Nothing scary or nightmarish.  And we heard the most beautiful little rhythmic, swishy sound emerging from somewhere around my bladder.  I’m going to take a stab and say it wasn’t lunch or alien invasion.  Hearing that steady sound independent from ME as a person…it was crazy in a totally speechless kind of way.  VWH listened to the tempo of the beat as the doctor declared it “perfect” and explained how it will decrease slowly over the next months.  (Or as VWH said, “We’ve gotta get it down from prestissimo to the Ravel Piano Concerto.”)  It was pretty incredible.  I can’t wait to hear it again—something to look forward to.

I guess that since Baby’s presence was officially overheard he decided to play some tricks on his mommy (when Baby is mischievous he’s a boy).  A day or so later I experienced that wondrous experience common to most moms-to-be, but has somehow dodged me.  I call it, “I don’t know what that smell is but I might ralph all over you if I smell it any more-itis.”  The offending odor?  Lentil soup, which is one of VWH’s most favorite foods.  I thought it would be good to make, being chock full of healthy veggies and lentils.  Well, after it banished me out of the house, I decided I may never look a lentil in the eye ever again.  Still, I will gladly take one isolated experience of Pukeitis over the daily routine my mom and her mom lived through with their kids.

I have much to be thankful for.  Yesterday was Easter Sunday, which meant my life was committed to several church services, but they were beautiful services.  Lots of flowers and little girls in beautiful dresses and joyful singing and “Khristós Anésti! Alithós Anésti!” and really good food.  There’s something so incredibly happy about Easter that can’t be matched by any other holiday.  This is, of course, largely due to the incredible hope we have been given as a result of the events of Easter morn so many years ago.  But I think it’s also partly because we go to church and celebrate with our church family AS WELL as our relatives.  The joy is spread all through your community.  Woe to the cynic who avoids it. 

In reality TV news, Jet and Cord were eliminated last night on The Amazing Race.  I am devastated in that I’ve-thought-about it-once-or-twice-today kind of way.  VWH was indifferent, per usual.  At least those cowboys can be satisfied with the fact that they lost because all the other teams ganged up on them.  They were perceived as a threat, which they were.  Still, the show has lost one of its funniest, sweetest, and most inspiring teams.  It won’t be the same from this point through the end of the season.  No more awesome cowboy/Coplandey theme when they come around the bend!  New pick to win it all (even though it’s too late to win the coveted Starbucks gift card): Zev and Justin.  Next team to be eliminated: Kent and Vyxsin.  (I’ve been picking them since week 1 to go home though…I think it’s more a wish than a real analytical decision.  Kent’s obnoxious.)

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