Thursday, April 21, 2011

New things!

Dear Blog,
I have been a bum.  Seriously and truly.  Over a month since my last post.  <hangs head in shame>  This is not remaining true to my resolution.  I hereby resolve to do better.  Because it’s not fair to you, sweet faithful blog--you never hide from me or disappear for weeks at a time.  You deserve better than this.

The truth is, there has been a lot going on.  Some of which I didn’t feel I could share with you right away.  But now I can.  You see…I’m really hoping I’m not “Too Old,” because there is going to be an increase in our family.  And I couldn’t tell anyone for the LONGEST time, but it was consuming the vast majority of my thoughts.  So I couldn’t write, because I had nothing else to write about.  But now our news is known by most, and I want you to know too faithful friend.  There are many new topics to explore whilst passing the time at work waiting for 5PM to roll around.

Like what kind of puppy chow is best?  Or should we get the collar with the rhinestones or just a rich, royal blue?

Just kidding.  It’s a little more serious (and permanent) than that.  We’ve decided to skip right over Marley and Me and head straight for the big leagues.

Today I can leave earlier than 5PM, which is why I started this entry early.  Tomorrow is Good Friday so we get some extra time to “vacate” for the holiday weekend.  (Which for musicians means, “Organize truckloads of music, figure out which church you’re supposed to be at where, wake up on Easter Sunday before the birds, and hope the choir doesn’t consume too many mimosas between services.”)  I am taking advantage of the extra time today to head over to my new friend, Dr. OBGYN (I prefer to refer to her as her superhero name, “Invasive Woman”).  Today she gets to stick this wand on my stomach, move it around, and those weird alien noises you hear in movies will magically emerge from me.  And supposedly we will hear a sound that we haven’t heard there before.  A fast, steady fluttering of a tiny heart that is inexplicably tiny and hidden.  The first real sign that there is something in there that is alive and real (other than a few random bouts of insomnia, occasional unsettled stomach, and a slight tightening of my pants…all of which could be chalked up to too much chicken wing dip). 

I am making VWH go with me this time.  VWH is of the mindset that Ricky Ricardo had it right: waiting rooms are GREAT for fathers-to-be.  He would far prefer to bury his nose in Chesterton than enter Invasive Woman’s territory (I can’t say I blame him there).  Oh, when the baby actually arrives he will be the first one in line to play with it and give it lots of love.  But the idea of being in a delivery room is approximately equivalent in his mind to handing a poisonous snake.  I say it’s good for him and an educational experience…one that I shouldn’t have to experience alone.  After all—he had a pretty hefty contribution in bringing this whole thing about.  You get what you paid for.

So I will leave you today, faithful blog, with this exciting news.  Topics for future discussion include:
1.        The joys of buying three bridesmaid dresses for three different weddings this year, with me anticipating being a different size for each.
2.       Moving to our new abode (this happens in about a week) and adjusting to life without a dishwasher.
3.        Why do department stores apparently need to save their most hideous clothes and brand them as “maternity?”

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