Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Too big? Too small? I just wanna be just right!

As mentioned below, VWH and I are in quite a few weddings this year.  We are thrilled for each of our brothers as they marry and settle down to what we consider to be quite a wonderful time of life.  And while the tux rentals and dress purchases are definitely outweighing our entire clothing budget for the year, they are investments we are happy to make.  Plus, we don’t anticipate four family weddings in the span of 12 months really ever to happen again in our lifetime.  No, the stress hasn’t been financial.  It’s been much more related to “how do I buy a dress for (fill-in-the-month) when I have no idea what I’ll look like then?”

Wedding number one is in 3 weeks and I ordered the dress before I even knew about the baby.  So when it arrived I prayed it wouldn’t be too small.  I don’t know what happened, but miraculously, it was too big.  So I think I’m OK for May.  Only adjustment needed is to think flats over heels for shoe-wear.

Wedding #2 is in July.  This is the tough one, especially since the bride found the dress online and we weren’t able to try it on ahead of time.  Thankfully, she chose something inexpensive enough that I opted to order two different sizes of the same dress to avoid catastrophe.  I’m still uneasy about the fit and how it’s all going to work out, but hopefully I’ve covered (literally) my rear.  It arrived in the mail yesterday and I’ll get it tomorrow, so I’m about to get some answers.

Wedding #3 is in December.  Baby will have arrived by that point, but of course I need to buy the dress well before then.  So…how close to my old form will I be 7 weeks after having my first child?  Your guess is as good as mine.  I’m hoping I don’t gain zillions of pounds and am being fastidious about eating a balanced, nutritious diet…most of the time.

I’m starting to get the sense that bridal store employees, who, correct me if I’m wrong, deal with this kind of thing ALL THE TIME, look at me and sigh heavy sighs when I enter their premises.  I can’t help it and I’m not trying to make their lives more difficult.  Honestly and truly.  I mean, I’m probably making them MORE MONEY with alterations and such.  But I still feel like the one they’re going to vote off the island next.

All of that to say, it’s been an adventure.  One I hope to never have to go through again.  But one that will be well worth it.

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