Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I started writing an email and then it turned into a blog...

Pestering you once more with your daily update!  (Emphasis on daily...I'm on a roll!)

First off, it is completely and totally perfect outside.  Mid-70s, gentle breeze, sunshine.  And I am stuck in this office.  This morning was torture.  I have just returned from lunch, where I wolfed down something and got outside with VWH for a long walk.  It was GLO-RI-OUS.  If I had my way I would be on a blanket in the backyard with a good book this afternoon.  As it stands, I'm still at work, but the walk helped restore some of my pent up energy and frustration.  Everything made me smile--the smell of cut grass, old people waving hello, bees looking for flowers (there still aren't very many), and the wind messing my hair up.  For a half-hour, I was invincible.

Yesterday we had our weekly friend over for dinner (pancakes, bacon, and eggs...we're trying to use up our food so we don't have to pack it).  It was lovely to connect with her once more.  She is officially transferring to another college next fall and I will miss her presence dearly.  So we'll soak her in the next week or so before she leaves for the summer.  Then I had a rehearsal with a delinquent trumpet player...why do these kids think they can start rehearsing a week before their recital when they haven't practiced on their own and assume everything will work out?  It just doesn't and then our titles change from "accompanist" to "hand-holding, guiding you step by step through each measure, praying that you figure it out enough that we don't have to save you every other phrase, babysitter."

It's supposed to rain later in the afternoon, so I don't expect to be able to return to the great outdoors after work wraps up.  My plan tonight is to go shopping, grab some cleaning supplies, and tackle the upstairs of the house.  VWH has commitments all night so I don't expect to see him until late (which really just means tomorrow).  This means I can blast whatever guilty pleasure music I desire (something very unclassical with a backbeat and guitars...) and dance around, sing at the top of my lungs, and make some PROGRESS.  Our bathroom is absolutely disgusting.  Knowing that we were moving soon made me put off giving it a good scrubbing until I knew we were leaving.  Well, the time is now and it's going to be fun.  VWH has made me promise not to do any spray cleaners/anything too chemical-ly.  So I'll be sticking to the basics and wearing rubber gloves.  Baby is going to get his/her first lesson in the joys of cleaning.  I fully expect to fall into bed completely exhausted, yet completely satisfied.

And now I must leave you for now.  There are a few small things to accomplish this afternoon before I head out for my evening of fun.  That walk was was 3 hours ago now, but I still feel great.  As a friend of mine once said, "15 minutes of sunshine a day keeps the schizophrenia away!"  I think there is some truth to that.

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