Friday, September 14, 2012

Happy birthday from me

Tomorrow we are going to a birthday party for James’ buddy, Alexa.  Alexa is turning one and I will get my first taste in quite some time of the hubbub that surrounds baby’s first birthday.  We received our very colorful, personalized invitation last week.  In two short months it will be my turn.  Or rather James’ turn.  Or maybe my turn…

It seems to me that mommies put way too much pressure on themselves to make their child’s first birthday an event to remember forever.  But I ask you: do any of you remember your first birthday?  I thought not.  I sure don’t.  There are lots of pictures of me and Mom unwrapping presents together and there was a “kitty cat” cake.  But I remember nothing.  In fact, I don’t remember any of my birthdays until I turned 5, when I got my first Barbie (now that was memorable).

I’ve witnessed and read tales of the first birthday party.  Of the obsessive planning that started months ahead of time.  Of the mom who wants her child’s face to light up in wonder at the candles and decorations and brightly-wrapped gifts.  Of the bookoos of dollars that went into custom invitations, themed decorations, bakery cupcakes, and favors for the guests.  And my initial reaction is, “My baby’s face lights up in wonder when I give him the diaper cream tube on the changing table.”

I have told myself that I won’t be one of those moms.  I won’t be the one who stresses and worries about every little thing.  I won’t spend our month’s grocery budget on fancy appetizers served on bright blue “Happy 1st Birthday” plates.  (Which are really funny to watch grown ups carry around.)  Oh, James will have a get-together, but it will be a simple affair, centered on the popular party theme of frugality.  I will stay strong!

…and then I see this face…

And this one…

And this one…
And I think about the year we’ve had and all the milestones we’ve achieved.  Or James has achieved.  Or maybe we have achieved...  Nursing, sleeping through the night, smiling, rolling over, sitting up, eating solid food, pulling up to stand, cruising around furniture, climbing stairs, pulling books off the bookshelf, pulling a shelf off the bookshelf.  I think of the babies who never had a chance to get to their first birthday.  Of the incomparable blessing it is to live in a time where there is an abundance of healthy food and vaccinations and disposable diapers (hey…it’s true). 

All of the sudden, it sure seems like there’s a lot to celebrate.

So I did it.  I got online today.  I started looking at dates and at customized invitations.  I found a really cute one with a little bear on it.  It wasn’t as expensive as the ones where you can put your baby’s picture in it, but definitely more expensive than the ones you can pick up at The Party Store.  I started thinking about a little bear theme, since James D Bear would like that.  I jotted down an initial guest list and checked to make sure the Bills weren’t playing on the Sunday afternoon I earmarked as a possible date.  (Because that would nix the whole thing for half the guest list.)  I started imagining James eating his first cupcake.  Of our precious family and friends gathered together to celebrate his little life.  And my resolve went down the diaper pail.

More blogs to come on the birthday party.  But there will be one.  Yep.  There will.

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