Monday, September 24, 2012

Just us against the world, pt. 1

I have been abandoned by my VWH.  For three days.  I’ve never been a fan of being separated from him, but before James three days alone meant Chinese food (or shrimp, which he is allergic to) and chick flicks and sprawling out over the entire bed.  I missed my husband dreadfully, but there were a few perks.  Three days with a teething, crawling, climbing 10 month old doesn’t mean rest and relaxation anymore.  Au contraire.  It means no breaks. 

So I’ve decided to document the highlights and lowlights of three days sans husband.  We’ll see if I survive.  I have few expectations of actually getting much done other than survive.  Don’t expect to read about housework getting done and makeup being applied.  The next few days will likely be spent mostly just trying to keep James from eating paperbacks and crud off the floor.

7:05 am.  VWH leaves amid hugs and prayers for safety.  We wave as he pulls out of the driveway, then eat breakfast and listen to Mike and Mike.  Mondays were really rough before I remembered about Mike and Mike.  James eats part of a bowl of oatmeal and prunes.  It’s not his best effort but this is probably because he had an extra nursing last night.

8:45 am.  James has slipped enough times in his explorations to indicate that it’s nap time.  He nurses and waves his free hand around per usual, exploring my face and hoodie for a few minutes before passing out.  I put him silently in his crib and pray for a nice long snooze…

9:05 am.  …because I want to grab at least a cat nap myself.  Teething equals fusses in the night and my stoic “just go to back to sleep” strategy melts away during these times.  My baby’s mouth hurts and he wants to snuggle his mommy.  So we do.  And I allow myself the luxury of drifting off for a few minutes myself.  I set the alarm for 9:55, but before it goes off…

9:50 am.  Knock knock knock!!  I wake up, thinking hard about who could possibly be at the door.  We never get unannounced visitors.  Probably UPS, in which case they’ll leave the package and go away.  Knock knock knock!!  Crap.  Maybe I should check to see who it is.  I glance in the mirror and ignore the fact that my hair is a frizzy mess, I’m in sweats, and am wearing my uber-thick glasses.  I peek out the front door from the top of the steps to find my visitors looking up at me and my heart drops.

That’s right ladies and germs.  Today, for the first time ever, I got Jehovah Witnessed.  When I was a child my mom could smell them coming and would get us upstairs, down low, and close the blinds.  I thought this was silly and maybe a little rude, until I saw our Christian neighbor across the street got stuck for 2 hours at the front door engaged in a debate while her preschool-aged children ran wild around her.  All of the sudden hiding seemed like the saner option.

No hiding from these suit-clad gentlemen though.  The first thought, no lie, that went through my head was, “Well, this should make a good blog.”  And, to their credit, they didn’t stay long.  They read to me from Psalms about the great destruction of the earth and asked if I went to church.  I said that I did and they were nice enough to pick up on the fact that I wasn’t exactly dressed for company.  The older gentleman (easily 80, sounded like he was from Yugoslavia) asked if they could come back at another time.  I politely declined and wished them a nice day.  They were sure to give me some literature about doomsday and the value of women before they headed out.  But that was it.  No protests, no dragging the conversation out.  I give those guys props.  I’m not convinced at all of the effectiveness of door-to-door evangelism in our culture, but they really didn’t sour my day.  They were pleasant, polite, and not bad to look at.  

10:31 am.  I’ve now recorded the first 4 hours of the first day without VWH.  There is no way I’ll be able to write this much all the time.  But prayers for a longish nap have been answered.  James is still quiet upstairs.
To be continued…

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