Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Just us against the world. Day 2, Pt. 1

The font of the day is “FangSong.”  This is in no way affiliated with anything having to do with vampires.
This made me laugh.
6:50 am.  After hearing James threaten to wake up completely twice in the past hour, I finally give in and roll out of bed.  The 8 hours have absolutely flown by.  I can’t remember a night that has passed so quickly.  He got up once at 2 am, but other than that slept pretty decently.  His best effort in a week.  Good job James Bear.

7:00 am.  Mike and Mike and breakfast.  (This is not to be confused with Mike and Ike for breakfast, which would just be disgusting.) 

James has peaches and oatmeal, although he seems far more interested in the microscopic bits of dried cheese left on his tray from last night.  I can barely see them but he is drawn to them like a moth to a flame.  (Note to self: no matter how tired you are, completely scrub the tray before bed.)  I eat shredded wheat (frosted this time) and grow indignant alongside Mike and Mike at the horrible officiating of the Monday Night Football game last night.  Granted, I didn’t see it, but it sounds pathetic.  Must quickly align myself with the growing majority.  Boo, officials, boo!

7:20 am.  Playtime in the living room.  James decides the staircase is more interesting.  Normally I let him climb them, but I decide it’s too early and set up our fancy blockade…two Rubbermaid bins full of baby clothes.  Unfortunately our staircase can’t accommodate a baby gate, so we have to improvise.  It looks terrible, but passes the test after James’ thorough examination.

8:25 am.  We call Grandma Davis to wish her a happy morning.  She doesn’t answer, which means she’s either on the phone with somebody else or in the shower.  We leave her a voicemail and James tries to eat the phone.  I count on hearing from her in the next 20 minutes. 

8:40 am.  Grandma calls back and we chat briefly.  James tries to eat the phone.

9:00 am.  After playing hard for two hours James hits the nap wall hard.  It’s like a switch some days, and today is one of them.  Unfortunately it hits simultaneously with VWH FaceTiming from his out-of-state location.  James looks at him sleepily for a few minutes and we attempt to catch up.  However, his Starbucks has a lousy signal and we have to settle for the phone, which wakes James up so that he can try to eat it.  
9:20 am.  Naptime for a James Bear.  Shower for Mommy.  Nothing too terribly exciting thus far today, but that’s just fine.

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