Friday, November 9, 2012

Fluting it up

Today I am excited and thankful for the Rochester Flute Association and all that they do to enrich the fluting community of upstate New York.  This weekend is the RFA's annual convention and they're bringing in guest artist Marina Piccinini, professor of flute at the Peabody Institute.

Last year the convention was the weekend of my due date, so I didn't get to go.  This year I'm going, volunteering, and assembling the newsletter that will summarize the entire thing afterwards.  Just a few fingers in the pie...

I have two degrees in music and one specifically in flute, but am certainly not as immersed anymore since James has come along.  I play in a college-community orchestra, which is a great blessing, play in church, and do the occasional gig that comes along.  But I'm not playing as much as I would want to.  I can't.  Because if I did then I wouldn't get to spend as much time with James and VWH as I want to, and they're far more important.  

So when weekends like this come along I permit myself to take a break from the house and go be a musician for a few hours.  It will be grand! 

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