Monday, August 31, 2015

Date Night In with a preschooler


I stumbled upon this author via a podcast I was listening to in which she and her husband were interviewed. They seemed like amazing people and I checked out their food blog. It’s a work of art. Roy and I decided to buy the cookbook and work our way through the date nights together. We can plan them, cook together, and enjoy the gloriously articulate writing along the way. Oh, and we'll probably blog about our adventures too. Not sure if it will be here or on his, but stories to come!

I want to meet Ashley Rodriguez. She is a young mom of three who understands the value of preserving and valuing a marriage. And she does it with food, which is exactly what I've been doing. As my hours are shifting more and more to tending little boys I find that time in the kitchen is my justified creative outlet. 

So this beautiful book arrived, and I’ve been feasting on the pictures and honest words and unimaginable taste combinations. James peeked over my shoulder this morning and said, “Oh. We need to make THOSE.”
Those being these:

So, we did. My first Date Night In consisted of melted chocolate and parchment paper and an eager 3 year old. He did a great job decorating if I do say so myself!

Here you have it—Ritz Cracker Mendiants via Ashley from

Today's 1%: Put the lid on top of your big pot when you're trying to get water to boil faster. It's ridiculous that it takes 8 years of marriage for me to start remembering that, but it sure does help. Especially during corn season when you cannot wait a second longer to dive into a buttery, salted ear!


  1. That book has been on my amazon wishlist!

  2. It's the only cookbook I've ever taken to bed with me to read. It's that good. The food is good, her ability to communicate her values is even better.
