Friday, August 28, 2015

It's kind of still one of those days

Yesterday’s blog post was brought to you by somebody who obviously hadn’t taken her vitamins and had zero coffee in her veins. Today’s blog post is brought to you by the same somebody, now vitamined and caffeinated. Which is a good thing, because there is still water dripping through my kitchen light fixture from the toilet upstairs. This happened shortly after I posted my complaints yesterday. (Clearly I was smited for my miserable attitude.) Roy is slaving over that dumb toilet, drilling into our new tile floor, running to Lowes (or Blue Home Depot, as James calls it) way more times than one should in 24 hours, and determined to lick the leak. (Not literally, of course. Gross.) Wax ring #1 didn’t seal. Super jumbo wax ring on its way. It’s either that or pay somebody to come and do it, and initial quotes were rather unfriendly.

Super jumbo wax ring has arrived. Fingers crossed folks.

Today’s 1%: When your son’s little red wagon is falling apart and dangerous for little boys to sit in anymore, take the sides off, give them a little cleaning, a few braces, and turn them into bookshelves for his room. So cute!

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