Friday, January 22, 2016

10 recent discoveries

There is no bigger turn-on than when your husband surprises you by coming home five hours early and immediately starts washing the dishes.

A Toyota Yaris is not fit for transporting a keyboard.

Gastroenterologists are long-winded.

Owen is allergic to eggs, peanuts, and tree nuts.

I may in fact become, in the words of my father-in-law, a “freakin’ deacon.”

James is learning the finer points of sarcasm. When he insisted that he was hungry and I told him dinner was in the oven, his face fell (he had seen what was in the pan) as he muttered under his breath, “I can hardly stand the excitement…”

I can be moved to tears by a photo of a crumpet.

There can be peanut products in enchilada sauce. And sprinkles.

My newest read, the first in the Call the Midwife trilogy, is gut-wrenchingly honest and graphic and wonderful and awful all at the same time. I can barely read more than ten pages at a time before my emotional banks overflow.

I am woefully inept at shaping consistent-looking loaves of bread.

Today’s 1%: I successfully navigated two little boys, in bulky winter coats, through a busy parking garage, four elevators, three confused hospital employees who gave me incorrect directions, through a two hour appointment in a single small room, without melting down. ME, I mean. Mom Smith…how did you do it with five boys?

1 comment:

  1. I beg to differ on the Yaris point. You just have the wrong kind.
