Saturday, January 2, 2016

Passive aggressive New Year's Resolutions


-Eat more homemade croissants, made by J.
-Be more understanding with J's irrationality during arguments.
-Stop feeling guilty about the domestic repercussions of buying mouthpieces.
-Be available for sex wherever and whenever J wants, because that's what TRULY loving couples do.
-Learn about the nutritional content, or lack thereof, of that macaroni and cheese J keeps trying to force on us.
-CONTINUE to put away all of my laundry, as all responsible grown ups should do.
-Give J the chance to learn how to make and serve me coffee.
-Dress more appropriately as a family when out in public: no sweats, pajama tops, or groady stuffed animals.

-Enjoy a restful, quiet vacation with R and nothing else, not even trumpets.
-Keep the house smelling fresh, devoid of smoldering coffee husks.
-Practice justice and equality to everyone in the New Year, starting with a fair division of Owen nighttime duties.
-Stop listening to the same songs over and over again, Petroushka and Mahler 5 being excellent examples.
-Practice Sabbath on Sunday afternoons, beginning by shutting out any depressing and gloomy worldly distractions, such as the Buffalo Bills.
-Expose the children to a wider variety of worship experiences, by sending them off with R to deal with.
-Dress more appropriately as a family when out in public: no sweats, pajama tops, or groady stuffed animals.

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