Sunday, March 22, 2020

Church today

This morning we worshiped at home. I read a few Bible stories to the boys from The Jesus Storybook Bible as I heard Roy tuning into his pastor's sermon from another room. Then Felix and I snuggled up and tuned into the prerecorded service we put together at Pearce. It is very odd to not be at church. It is odder still to "worship via computer." It's oddest yet to "worship with your prerecorded self via computer."

I was pleased with the uptick in quality from an audio standpoint this week. Our voices sounded more blended, which meant I sounded a lot less like a buzz saw. The band blend was pretty nice too. I tried hard to actually participate with the music, prayers, and sermon, but it's also a bit like watching a movie you acted in for the first time. I was easily distracted.

Here we are! (This was recorded on Monday night I think.)

I wasn't the only one. Soon I got texts from my fellow worship director, Jessie. We agreed that the quality was better this week. Then she said, "I didn't realize that by wearing black and sitting near the piano I'd look like a floating head."
Of course I didn't notice this. Nobody notices those funny things that stick out to you when you see/hear yourself recorded. I didn't notice Jessie the Floating Head because all I could see were Julie's Bright Orange Shoes, which they promised wouldn't be in the shot.
(Traditional from the waist up, contemporary from the waist down...) Of course Jessie hadn't noticed my shoes, and we laughed together at our self absorption. The important thing was, of course, that we had worked together to put together a nice finished product. And people were singing with us in their homes and wasn't that nice? Then my phone pinged:

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