Sunday, March 15, 2020

First impressions: COVID-19

It's a gloriously sunshiney day outside. I can hear a bird chirping outside our window. We all slept in this morning and consumed a leisurely, fancy breakfast of eggs benedict. I've been on a long run and Owen and I are making rapid progress on a puzzle of the Eiffel Tower.

If I had had four weeks to look forward to this day I think my expectations would have been met and exceeded. But, of course, we didn't have any idea even 48 hours ago that we would all be home together on a Sunday. Our country, state, and local community's guidelines for self quarantine have led to this feeling of chaotic mind-spinning, tempered by very little to actually DO.

Yesterday I spent several hours at church recording music for our weekend service, delivered online. Our plan is to meet again first thing this next week to get as much advanced service work recorded in case they close the church building to everyone (currently staff are allowed inside). It was so odd. The expectation is that you are "supposed to be worshipping" but in reality it feels exactly like a recording session and for goodness sake don't make a mistake and how should I make my face look?? And then, in the midst of all that mental gymnastics you remember why you are actually doing all of this. Deep breath.

Roy is restless. He doesn't sit still very well unless he's earned it, and there haven't been many long drives and concerts in Buffalo and Syracuse to merit a nap or a long book. So he flits from chore to chore, sitting down from time to time to pound out arrangements on Finale for a long-term recital project. He may have it done a whole lot sooner than expected.

The boys are largely content. Owen is enjoying having two adults in the house simultaneously, which doubles his chances for nabbing one of us for an activity. James never wants to leave the house anyway, and Mommy and Daddy seem to be a lot more lenient about movie nights these days. Felix doesn't know anything is amiss, except he asks occasionally now to "wah' HANs" (Wash hands.)

I don't have anything especially profound to add to this brief summary, except to say that it would feel odd not to have in writing some record of how we are doing in this unprecedented season. And with nothing to do, perhaps more boring blogs are in my future.

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