Friday, March 6, 2020

Owen at the Allergist

Upon entering the hospital:
"Will I have to get a shot?"
"...not exactly."

Upon entering the waiting room, to the receptionist:
"Will I have to get a shot? Do you have a prize box?"

Upon getting vitals taken:
"Can Cute <stuffed panda> get weighed with me? I am getting very tall."

Upon getting blood pressure taken:
"This is my favorite part!"

Upon the entrance of the doctor:
"Do you have any kids? Do I have to get a shot? Do I get to eat any nuts today?"
"Uh, no to all of the above. Now, I see that we incorporated peanuts into his diet a year ago--how is that going?"
Me, embarrassed, "...which you learned from Garfield comics and not from your mother."

Upon the entrance of the skin-prick technician:
"Is this a shot? Why are you marking my arms? Hey, those are purple dots like the Ravens. Ouch--are you sure this isn't a shot? Oh, wait, I can't really feel anything."

Upon the re-entrance of the doctor:
"Are we all done now? I didn't even have to get a shot!"

Upon the initial entrance of the blood-draw technician:
"Hey, why are you talking about blood? Are you going to give me a shot? What's a blood draw? Is that like a shot? Is there a needle??? Aaaa-AAAAAHAHHHH!!!"

<Here we pause for thirty minutes of panic, noisy hyperventilating, and outright bribery whilst awaiting the return of the blood-draw technician.>

Upon the return of the blood-draw technician:
"I'm watching George. George is funny. Ha-ha. Hey, what did you just do? Why is there a needle in my arm? What is that red stuff? What's in those two containers? Is that my blood? Can I hold those? Wow. That's so cool. Hey, can I take these home with me?"

Epilogue: What Owen doesn't realize, among other things, is that he participated in an experimental study today to hopefully help develop allergy testing only requiring a mouth swab. For his participation, which included one of the two vials of blood, and sucking on a cotton swab, we were paid $40, which we agreed should go to him. Or at least most of it...let's not overlook Mom's cut for pain and suffering.

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